Restore your Health… Differently

Élodie SIX

Energetic and Spiritual Healing

Healing center

Land of Jewels

elodie six psychoenergéticienne

Restore your health… Differently

Psychic-Energetic Healer
Licenced Hypnotherapist

What about trying a completely new healing approach to find an answer to your suffering? Whether the Traumas are emotional, physical or energetic, there is a way to release the imprint of them in your system and restore health and happiness into your life.

We can work on both the causes and consequences to regenerate your being !

For over two decades, I have been working on an Energetic level to deprogram cellular traumas. Together, we revive your system to reconnect with its own intelligence and healing power.

My training journey took me from The Milton Erickson Institute in Vaison-la-Romaine to The Tellura Bio Energetic Healing Center in Switzerland, I do explore…

Restore your health… Differently

Give yourself some Freedom and boost your Self Esteem

Explore, feel , take a break... just breath , just be…

Auric Field Check-up

How balanced is your system? From your incarnation axis to the health of your 7 body fields … What are the stressors stored in your bodies and what blocages, disturbances do they create in your everyday life.


Astrology workshops are meant to offer you a better way to use your gifts and improve the quality of your life. How joyful it is to be fulfilled!

Bio Energetic Seminars

The goal of these seminars is to honor what beautiful energetic beings we are! There is so much spiritual wisdom we can be reminded to activate, with simple tools. Self Bio Energetic Healing builds beauty and love in our everyday life and work.

Healing and Mediumship Circles

In a Protected and Spiritual Space, we are invited to explore the different realms of reality. We are invited to meet loved ones, guides and spirituals beings. Welcome aboard!

Psychic-Energetic Healer

After being trained in several healing practices and licensed from the Milton Erickson Institute in 2005, I expanded my work towards healing:

In the Works...

Days and Journeys of Discovery

I organize Day Trips to beautiful energetic sites.

On the agenda:

Experience your energetic perceptions, 

Open up to the vibrational worlds around us 

Activate our healing energy.

The “Alchemy  Journeys” take place in Morocco, Bali, India and offer a holistic program to reconnect with oneself.

We will explore your Psychic and Healing abilities, grounded in the  energies of these Sacred Lands.

A unique experience, just for you…

If you are interested in a day trip or a journey, please register below to be informed of the schedule.

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